We're pleased to announce the winners of our first art show of 2021! Check it out on our website and stop by during business hours to see them in person.
There's still time so sign up for our special Valentine's Day workshop making two-dozen "roses" for your special someones, or yourself. The workshop will take place from 11am-1pm on Saturday and Sunday Jan. 30 and 31 (need time for the paint to dry!) in the Gallery. Space is limited due to COVID restrictions. Register and pay your $20 fee here: https://www.coronaartassociation.org/event-details/dozen-roses-workshop

Members don't forget to renew your membership! Dues should be paid before January 1st for the coming year, and membership will lapse if not paid by March 1. Remember, only paid members can have reduced art show entries and sell their items in the Gallery Gift Shop. Not a member? This is the perfect time to join the Corona Art Association for just $40 a year!
Other ways you can help support CAA:
Shop in our Gallery Gift Shop for cards, gifts, and decor.
Buy art from our artists. Member art is featured in the online Shop and in each art show.
Choose CAA as your charity from Amazon Smile.
Participate in our Eat Out Fundraisers when we have them.
Like and Follow Us on Facebook and Instagram @CoronaArtAssociation and like, comment on, and share our posts.
Tell your friends, family, and associates about the Corona Art Association!