Want to meet others who share your interests in art? Make new friends, network, and learn new techniques? Come to our next Open Studio Mixer, Thursday August 26 from 3:30-5:30pm in the CAA Gallery in the Historic Civic Center on 6th St.
All local artists and patrons of the arts are welcome to visit, talk shop, share ideas, give tips, demonstrate techniques, or just socialize! A nominal $3 donation is requested at the door, which includes a soft drink and a snack, as well as access to some of our art supplies if needed.

Friday’s 12-2pm in the CAA gallery.
Tour the color wheel with artist Kathryn Duncan, CAA member and owner of the Art Workout @artworkout . This unique course is divided into 3-week-long sessions with lessons including -Get to know your pigments - Color mixing, granulation, transparency, etc. - Glazing the same color for intensity - Analogous and Complementary color relationships - Mixed Media Exploration.
The first session focuses on the color Yellow-Orange on Fridays, August 27, September 3 and 10th. Cost is $80 which includes professional grade products and supplies.
Space is limited, sign up today! https://www.coronaartassociation.org/bookings-checkout/watercolor-painting-yellow-orange

Have you seen the “Summertime” art show? Stop by Friday-Sunday 12-4pm to see it before it’s gone!

Are you ready for fall?? 🍁We are!! Our first workshop of the “Falloween” season is on Thursday, September 9 from 10:00am-1:00pm.
What: Workshop creating a three-tiered tray to display decor or serve treats! Some seasonal decorations will be provided.
When: Thursday, September 9 from 10am-1pm
Who: Artist Instructor Tina Ryan
Where: CAA Gallery
How Much: $25 for CAA members, $30 for nonmembers
For more info and to register go to: https://www.coronaartassociation.org

‼️Attention Artists‼️
The Corona Art Association is excited to offer mat cutting to our members and the public at very competitive pricing! See photos for details.
We have many high quality mats in a variety colors including:
Black granite
Forest green
Dusty blue
Dark blue
Light blue
Light green
Light brown
Dark moss green
Light tan
Pale yellow.
Soft light green
Beige granite

The Corona Art Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit community arts organization that has been serving the artistic needs of our communities since 1963. Your participation in our events and donations help us to continue to support visual arts education and enjoyment for free or low-cost to residents of all ages and abilities. Thank you.