We had a great time at our General Meeting on Tuesday, Sept.14. We learned how to use dot painting tools and techniques on a ceramic mug.
Our September Open Studio is this Thursday, September 16 from 3:30-5:30pm in the Gallery. We'll be experimenting with polymer clay sculpting in honor of "World/National Play-Doh Day"
As always, we're kindly asking for a $3 donation to cover the cost of supplies which includes a snack and soft drink for you. Don't feel like playing with clay that day? No worries. You are welcome to come hang out, visit, work on something else. The point of Open Studio is for artists and lovers of art to come together.
Take-In for the "Awesome Autumn" art show is Friday, Sept. 17th-Sunday, Sept. 19th. Public welcome! Learn more about entering our art shows here: https://www.coronaartassociation.org/art-shows

Are you ready to start creating artful Halloween decorations? We have a fun and easy Halloween characters woodblock workshop coming up on Thursday, September 23, from 10a-2pm in the gallery. Cost is just $25 for CAA members, $30 for nonmembers for ALL THREE woodblocks! Sign up here: https://www.coronaartassociation.org/event-details/halloween-trio-woodblock-workshop-1

And after the workshop, order up some gourmet burgers and fries from Red Robin from 4-8pm to join us for our September Eat Out Fundraiser. You'll need to order online at order.redrobin.com, select "Fundraisers to go only", and don't forget to to type in CORONA ART ASSOCIATION in the Special Instructions section. 20% will come back to CAA. Thanks for your support!

Art happens here!
The Corona Art Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit community arts organization that has been serving the artistic needs of our communities since 19ur participation in our events and donations help us to continue to support visual arts education and enjoyment for free or low-cost to residents of all ages and abilities. Thank you.