It's not too late to sign up for our "Welcome" Porch Leaner workshop! This Saturday, May 22 from 3-6pm in the CAA Gallery, just $25 for members and $30 for non-members. We will show you how to prep and paint your board and apply the "Welcome" letters. If you want to include other decorations or additions, please bring them along. Sign up online here:

Also Saturday, winners in the "Nature" art show will be pinned. Stop by some time this weekend to see amazing art and who got ribbons. This is our biggest take-in in a very long time!
Our Gallery Gift Shop is open for business whenever the Gallery is. Right now, that's Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, from 12-4pm. We have a wide variety of gifts, cards, and decor available, all handmade by our member artists.
A portion of all sales helps fund our community arts mission. As a 501c3 nonprofit organization, we rely on the generous support of our friends and neighbors. Thank you!
Last March, just before the pandemic shut the world down, we were getting together a group to visit the Disney Archives exhibit at the Bower's Museum in Santa Ana. And here we go again!
Want to see the Disney exhibit at the Bowers Museum? Join CAA for group ticket pricing. See photos for details! Contact to sign up today for group admission on June 20th.

Another amazing opportunity to enjoy art with your friends at CAA is to join us at the Pageant of the Masters on July 29th. This is not a "group ticket" event, so buy yours directly from

Another opportunity we want to share with you...

Graduating seniors, we know your last day of school was today! It's time celebrate this milestone with ART! All 2021 graduates are invited to stop by the gallery and pick up an art board so we can display your art and celebrate your achievement! Please do it soon, as we need to have them before the end of May!

Keep up with all CAA events an activities by checking our website Events page frequently:
And follow us on Facebook and Instagram @CoronaArtAssociation