The Corona Art Association is pleased to welcome Amelia Nieves onto our Board of Directors. Amelia has been a member of CAA for almost 2 years. She is widely connected in the Corona community, serving as President of the Woman's Improvement Club, and serving in various capacities for the Corona Historic Preservation Society, the Elks, and others. We are honored to have her skills, expertise, and guidance on our Board of Directors.
Welcome, Amelia!

Amelia Nieves (left) with CAA First Vice President, Lori Alarcon
CAA will be ending 2021 with 80+ members! We are so pleased that so many have decided to join our little community art organization. Many thanks to the members who have brought their friends in to join us, who have volunteered their time and talents, and anyone who has donated either their money or energy (or both!). We can't do it without you. And, because of you, we are able to extend our operating hours to include Thursdays!
Starting November 11, 2021, we will be open Thursday-Sunday, 12-4pm!
Members: If you have yet to pick your 4 hours per month of gallery sitting, don't worry! There are plenty of time slots still available. Complete the survey here:

Here are our planned activities for the next week...
Friday, Nov. 5 at 3pm: Living Wreath from Rosemary and Succulents workshop. Cost is just $20. Artist and gardener, Lani Britain, will lead you in the creation of a wreath made from fresh rosemary and living succulents harvested from her own garden. Participants should bring their own wired ribbons and decorations if desired. Please sign up here:

Sunday, Nov. 7 from 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM: Life Drawing/Painting with Bill
CAA member Bill Gorajia is bringing in a live model to practice figure painting or life drawing. Geared towards Intermediate/Advanced artists as no instruction will occur. Only easels supplied. Bring your own gear. $15 donation to CAA is being requested from all participants. Please pre-register. You can pay cash at the door or card/PayPal online.

General Meeting and Demonstration on Nov 09, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM PST
Lori Alarcon will show us how to paint using balloons! A $5 cash donation to the artist is suggested if there is a make-and-take. Members and prospective members only, please.
ALSO, if you are a CAA member and want your Holiday themed art to be considered for our 2021 Holiday Card, please bring it to the meeting. The members present will be voting their choice.

To see more events coming up, please visit our main Events page or our Calendar:
CAA Members: Please remember to complete your Voting and 2022 Survey and fill out your volunteer hours for gallery sitting that were emailed to you recently! Thanks! xx
Coming Soon...
Take in for the "Home" Art Show will be Friday-Sunday, Nov. 12-14, 12-4pm. To learn more about how to enter, please visit: or send us an email for questions:
The next round of Kid's Art classes starts on Nov. 13:
Altered Books Workshop on Nov. 18:
Dine-Out Fundraiser at Panda Express is coming up on Nov. 19. Get your flyer here:
Members: 2022 Dues need to be paid by Dec. 31, 2021. Please renew online here: or if you prefer, you can pay in the gallery or mail in your payment. In all cases, you need to fill out a new application every year to make sure we have correct and updated information. Thank you!
🖼 We offer custom mat cutting to members and the public at very competitive pricing! Check out the info on our website:
😎 Member Mingle is on Sundays in the Gallery. Paid CAA members are welcome to mingle in the Gallery on Sundays. Bring your paints, art projects, or other leisure activities, and enjoy some quality social time while you create and relax with other CAA members. **Excludes Take-In and Workshop days.**
🖌 Adult (16+) painting and drawing with Mary Lou Wallace occurs every Monday from 3:30-5:30pm. Cost is $60 for 4 sessions. To sign up, go to:
Art happens here!
The Corona Art Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit community arts organization that has been serving the artistic needs of our communities since your participation in our events and donations help us to continue to support visual arts education and enjoyment for free or low-cost to residents of all ages and abilities. Thank you.
Follow us @CoronaArtAssociation on Facebook and Instagram where you can LIKE, COMMENT, AND SHARE our posts!
Corona Art Association, 815 W 6th St #145, Corona, CA 92882, USA